Dear Devil

Monday, July 31, 2017

Dear Devil,

Just a short message to you. You thought that making me sick would defeat me and take away my faith, well I have news for you. You can lay beneath the soles of my feet and remain there for all eternity, because today I stand tall and despite what you dished out I overcame it with God. You seem to forget how mighty He is, how wonderful He is and how much He loves me! You seem to forget how strong my faith is and that I do not fear what you place before me. For I am a child of God, I am dearly loved by Him and you shall never enter my heart.
The lady, who as of today, has no nodules and her biopsy and surgery was canceled!!

Simple Prayers

Thursday, July 6, 2017

I have deleted this post several times, mainly because I didn't know exactly how to say what I really needed to say here, but today I'm filled with clarity and need to share with all of you what has been going on with me. The reason I believe I need to share this with you is because I need you all to see how God works and why even with today's news I stand faithful!

3 years ago I took a substitute position as a teacher in a high school for almost 3 months that led to a lot of stress and work. I had not even applied for the position, nor was I listed as a substitute at the time. I was called out of the blue during the summer. I began having acid reflux pretty bad at the beginning of the year and it was eating up at my esphogas and teeth. I couldn't eat or drink without hurting. By the end of the week, I would lose my voice not from screaming but from the reflux. I visited several doctors and took several tests to no avail. They found nothing and one doctor was on the verge of sending me to a psychiatrist. I prayed daily, asking the Lord to please help me find answers and stop the pain. I had a dream one evening that I needed a colonoscopy. The next time I went to my doctor I begged him to perform one, he insisted there was no reason to have one at my age and with no history, he didn't see a need for this procedure. I asked him again and said to him if he didn't I would get someone who would do it. He gave in and agreed to do the procedure and right next to the hemmoroids that were causing all my problems were cancerous polyps he was able to completely remove. I now visit him to remove polyps yearly to be proactive. A job I never applied for that led to stress which led to hemmoroids causing me pain & reflux right next to cancerous polyps. What the Devil meant for evil, God turned to Good!
Why am I telling you this now? The reason is because then I mostly suffered in silence and asked for no prayers and only prayed for myself. Today, I scheduled a biopsy on a 2cm nodule in my thyroid. I have an infection in my thyroid as well and will be getting more bloodwork done to figure out what is going on. This week I felt defeated and God knew. He saw me weary, so He sent in his troops. I had so many pray for me and I completely appreciate you all, you came in like rain and sprung new growth! Today, I feel so much better than the day before and I know that in Him I am healed. Today, I am asking you to believe and pray as well not just for me but the many others who suffer from illnesses. Today, I ask because if my little prayers helped me 3 years ago, think what your prayers could do for others. We say we will pray for others, but we often get busy and forget. I challenge you to remember to pray for yourself and pray for others. Whether that be an alarm set with a reminder, a post it note on your computer or a scribbled note on your palm. Don't be afraid to ask for prayer and pray for others ferociously! You never know what God has planned until you ask!
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