Love God, Love People

Sunday, April 9, 2023

Let's be real! Sometimes loving God's people is hard. Heck loving myself can even be harder. But here I am morning by morning at His feet asking for grace and mercy not just for others but myself. It's not easy to stay grounded either. Especially when your mind is not always guarded. It can be easily swayed by one sentence even one scripture. Especially if that scripture is taken out of context or out of its time period. To know scripture is to also know the people who wrote it and lived it.

If you have hung around me enough you have probably heard me say to my kids, "I'm gonna beat you with a stick." (No need for alarm. Hold the call to CPS - hear me out) This statement taken out of not only a conversation but also out of a deeper understanding of me could send up a lot of red flags. Now my children can attest I have never beat them with a stick but it is a phrase that I use as a strange term of endearment. Though if you knew me and had a deeper understanding of me you would know my heart's intention and that it truly is me being silly with them in my mom moment of ugh!
Knowing not only the statement and the discussion the statement is within but also knowing the people in it can bring so much clarity and truth.
When you read His word, read it all then get to know the people who wrote it and lived it. You might find that you can relate and loving God's people might be a little easier. ❤️
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