
Monday, September 9, 2024

When I started this adventure a year ago I was not adapting well to change & confidence in my writing was fleeting. I challenged myself to push through. The valleys seemed impossible to dig myself out of but God met me in them every single time. He accepted me with all my mistakes, my faults, my shortcomings & equipped me with love, strength & covered me in grace and mercy. I call myself blessed not because of what I have or what I've done because Lord knows I mess that up daily. But I call myself blessed because of Him. Just Him! I will be publishing my study soon & releasing the podcast with it - this journey was met with a lot of times wanting to give up because I didn't feel worthy or good enough to share His word. But I soon found that I will never be & that's okay. My losses the last couple of years have been many but thankfully I found myself in God's word as I hope you do too. I have a few more recordings to do before I finish so if you feel called please contact me.

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