
Monday, September 9, 2024

When I started this adventure a year ago I was not adapting well to change & confidence in my writing was fleeting. I challenged myself to push through. The valleys seemed impossible to dig myself out of but God met me in them every single time. He accepted me with all my mistakes, my faults, my shortcomings & equipped me with love, strength & covered me in grace and mercy. I call myself blessed not because of what I have or what I've done because Lord knows I mess that up daily. But I call myself blessed because of Him. Just Him! I will be publishing my study soon & releasing the podcast with it - this journey was met with a lot of times wanting to give up because I didn't feel worthy or good enough to share His word. But I soon found that I will never be & that's okay. My losses the last couple of years have been many but thankfully I found myself in God's word as I hope you do too. I have a few more recordings to do before I finish so if you feel called please contact me.

His plan for you

Saturday, May 18, 2024

Well what more is to say after a post like this!

I can remember when I found out you would be a girl - I imagined a beautiful relationship with all the fun girly stuff that I wasn't really into but willing to suffer. I was right - the shopping trips, the pedis and manis, the frills, glitter, makeup and hairdos would be just as I imagined them to be - torture 🤣 but soon as the years passed it was in those moments we learned a lot about each other. Riding in the car crying, hollering and laughing we knew those times were therapy for our souls and much needed hard lessons that were required for us to overcome obstacles that prevented us from having empathy for each other. I pray that these days don't vanish but that they grow and time will include the next generation.
Your youthfulness and faith has carried me through some hard times Claire and in it I learned how to be a true girl mom. Thank you for humbling me with the words of Jesus and having discernment when to keep opinions at bay.
I will love you forever my girl and I know God has truly set you apart for His big plan! I pray you walk boldly and obediently in it and that fear never have a grip on you. I rebuke any discord, doubt and resentment. And I pray for protection on your journey of life. May God bless you abundantly and keep you favored.
I love you Claire Bear! We are so proud of you!
This trip was crazy in an RV for 36 hours back and forth in a matter of 3 days but so worth the things breaking, delirium, and forgotten & backwards outfits. You did it! Congrats my girl!

18 year friendship

Wednesday, November 29, 2023

How? How is my baby girl almost 18 and about to graduate.
Sometimes, I wonder what I did right that God thought I deserved such a blessing. It has been a long, hard-fought journey, but one I would take again and again if I could raise her all over again. My life wouldn't be the same without her. I have a built-in friendship that took 18 years to develop but was well worth it!

Ashley Robinson Burke you did an amazing job capturing these! Kate Melancon, her hair & makeup was gorgeous! Zachary Mims thanks for being so willing to carry the chair and make her laugh. Madewell Mercantile the hat is just stunning and fit her perfectly!

Debt is Paid

Sunday, September 3, 2023

Someone might have decided you were worth a certain price and have treated you cheaply or maybe you have treated yourself cheaply but hear this today - you were bought and your debt was paid for an expensive price - you are not cheap - you are worth so much more to Him! #ImmeasurableWorth #lovingsavior

Get In

Friday, August 25, 2023

Last night Shontelle Marie and I went to the Brandon Lake & Phil Wickman Concert with surprise guest KB. And we just so happened to be seated right behind my sister in christ Krystie Adams Richard who I had been thinking about all week.
I can't tell you the amount of tears I shed last night. Hearing the crowd worship and stand in honor of our Lord choked me up. I imagined that the Lord was pleased. Pleased not just with our voices of worship, but our behavior, the genuineness of the artists and the beautiful message. #getinthechariot It also gave me so much hope for the world. I'm sure many can comment and give me so many examples of the world looking like a kindergarten classroom loaded up on red kool-aid but I'm choosing to see these moments and keep them at the forefront of my brain. And like Abraham I'll pray that God see the 1 in the city burning for Him and not destroy it. Let that 1 burn so bright everyone else is consumed by it. Our shortcomings are inevitable so don't let that stand in the way of you and Him together on this journey of life. He loves you anyway! ❤️


Love God, Love People

Sunday, April 9, 2023

Let's be real! Sometimes loving God's people is hard. Heck loving myself can even be harder. But here I am morning by morning at His feet asking for grace and mercy not just for others but myself. It's not easy to stay grounded either. Especially when your mind is not always guarded. It can be easily swayed by one sentence even one scripture. Especially if that scripture is taken out of context or out of its time period. To know scripture is to also know the people who wrote it and lived it.

If you have hung around me enough you have probably heard me say to my kids, "I'm gonna beat you with a stick." (No need for alarm. Hold the call to CPS - hear me out) This statement taken out of not only a conversation but also out of a deeper understanding of me could send up a lot of red flags. Now my children can attest I have never beat them with a stick but it is a phrase that I use as a strange term of endearment. Though if you knew me and had a deeper understanding of me you would know my heart's intention and that it truly is me being silly with them in my mom moment of ugh!
Knowing not only the statement and the discussion the statement is within but also knowing the people in it can bring so much clarity and truth.
When you read His word, read it all then get to know the people who wrote it and lived it. You might find that you can relate and loving God's people might be a little easier. ❤️

Hey Girl

Saturday, February 25, 2023

What can I tell my 6-year-old self?

Don't give up! God has a season for your dreams to become part of His plan.
Pursue all you do with a spirit of excellence. Don't let the world dictate your energy.
Take your time, don't rush it. Life is mapped out for you for a reason; enjoy the journey - even the mountains.
I thank you, Lord for equipping me to seek out not only a dream of mine but a way to glorify You in it.
I haven't told many people, but I finally signed a contract with a publisher (United House Publishing) and my bible study book should be published soon. It is so surreal!
I have 65 more studies to write and I am already almost done with my second one. I have used this time of rest to really dig deep into His word and my life looks so different than it once did.
My bible study series will be called Lost & Found - Find your story within the vast amount of books and chapters in the bible. You have a place in His story, every book, every chapter and every verse is part of His story for YOU!
The first one being released is Genesis: Your Beginning - We all have a Genesis chapter of our lives, a place where we begin, a place we learn and grow, and a place of brokenness that brings us to God’s promise.
Stay tuned for more info on the book and a podcast. Thank you all for being my support system over the years! Love You Dearly!
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