God is Greater than any Mountain

Friday, March 20, 2020

If God was trying to get your attention would you be able to hear Him through the noise pollution of this world? Could He break through the noise of your mind?

As our lives slow down a bit, distractions are less, are we listening to what the Lord is saying?

Have you ever watched a movie or read a book knowing the outcome already? Taking your guesses, sitting at the edge of your seat, saying , "no what are you thinking don't do that" "don't go in there" and "geez, seriously did you just do that." We watch or read as the characters of the movie or book get swept up in their circumstances and distractions, losing focus of where they are, what they are doing and what they need. Becoming attached to these characters, we cry with them, we laugh with them and we want to scream at them. Just wanting what is best for them, wanting them to get their happy ending. We know where they should be and what they should do as we watch or read from the comfort of our sofas. We have the information, wanting to share with them, but can't. So we watch or read, waiting and hoping they make the right choices.
I imagine God feels the same way. He watches as we allow our distractions to steer us from our path, sitting at the edge of His throne saying, "no what are you thinking don't do that " "don't go in there" and "geez, seriously did you just do that" (okay, maybe not in those exact words, but hey we all need a little tough love sometimes). He watches as we get swept up in our circumstances and distractions losing focus of where we should be, what we should do and what we really need. He is attached to us like we get with characters in a story. He wants us to get our happy ending too! He tries to share with us what He knows, but we don't hear him. He wants to break through the noise, but we block it.
Our story is written by Him, but instead of letting Him direct the story of our life, we are trying to direct it and star in it. That's when the story gets flipped, ratings plummet and your story is cancelled. Don't let the noise in, focus on Him and let Him direct your story, you just follow His script and soon you will get that Happy Ending!

God is Greater than any mountain

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