Hope Fueled

Tuesday, March 17, 2020

I know, some odd words to use at this time, but I am fueled up with Hope. I have my tank full and I won't run out and why is that you ask?
Well, that's because His word is never empty, it doesn't return void, it doesn't cost us a thing, you don't need cash, credit or debit - it is free. Just pick up His word and know that He has never broken a promise, you will learn throughout the bible that every promise is still there, it is our commitment that fails.
We run out in a panic with our own promises to fix what is going on, only to break those commitments we made to Him.
In the story of Moses, the Lord sends Him to free his enslaved people from the Pharaoh, "Let my people go" he says or the Lord would send plagues upon the Egyptians. And the Lord does, when Pharoah's heart hardens. Yet right after a few of the plagues, Pharaoh asks Moses to plead on their behalf and he would release them, but he doesn't. I am not saying that the Lord has sent this plague, please do not misinterpret that. All I am saying is maybe we need to take some time to not just spend with our families, but with the Lord. Let your prayers rise up like incense! He will hear our cries in the wilderness.
Be committed to fueling up your Hope tanks!
There will be life after this, it might not be the same, heck I believe it will be better! Better than we can ever imagine, but if we stay stuck, stuck in our old ways, never refueling, we are in danger of running out and causing damage to our minds, bodies and spirits.
So don't dwell on what the future will be, don't let the uncertainty syphon out your hope, live now, take in the moments one by one, breathe, pray and Be still - Let the Lord fight for you!
Be Hope Fueled!

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