Tank Full!

Saturday, October 23, 2021

Trauma defined as an emotional response to a distressing event. I don't believe there is a single person in Southern Louisiana that is not experiencing trauma right now. We are all grieving a loss right now in many different ways. Some are grieving loved ones, homes, businesses and just plain ol' life. I can remember my grandpa saying in the good old days and then would continue with what it was like. So why do the good ol' days not exist. Trauma. Something traumatic happened and caused things to change. Let's just say we as humans don't adjust to change very well. Yet, that is because we are human, not perfect. We are learning everyday; that is if we allow ourselves to be teachable. That is not to say we bend for everything, but we should bend for God's will.

It is difficult letting go of something we might have clung to for many years. We see it as giving up, indecisiveness and failure. Yet in God's eyes He sees it as moving mountains out the way, clearing out the toxins and equipping us with more skills.
Honestly, I am going to be transparent here (I know when am I not 🤣). I am usually a glass overflowing gal. I am usually the one providing positive scriptures and quotes, unicorns, rainbows, milk shakes and cotton candy filled days. Yet lately, I can't say I've been that person. Shamefully, I rutted out, sat in my trench and waited out for the war to be over. In the beginning of all this, I was out sun up to sun down helping others, doing what we could then I began to handle things on my own end. I was in a sea of denial about my own circumstances. I was really trying to avoid what I truly had to face. The end of one thing to be the beginning of something else. So yes, Rise & Gouaux might not exist the way we wanted it to, but I am anxiously awaiting what the Lord has planned next. Thank goodness He still meets us even in the trenches! ❤
In the meantime, we were blessed by friends that we met on a cruise 5 years ago to have a quick vacay in Panama City Beach. Let's just say it was much needed for our hearts, minds and spirits to be refreshed. We ready 💪, tanks are full and we are renewed. So watch out Louisiana - Gautreauxs are coming in hot - heading home!
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