What do you get?

Thursday, September 14, 2006

What do you get when you mix Strawberry Perserves, Thousand Island Dressing, and Powdered Sugar? A very messy kitchen and a smiling little boy trying to make cookies. What do you get when your son leaves his homework near some scissors? A little brother with confetti. What do you get when you let your son watch too much Disney Channel? A child who says he has visions like Raven. What do you get when you leave a son to make his own dinner? A Mac-n-cheese sandwich. What do you get when you close the door behind you to the laundry room? You get locked in by a giggling boy screaming he Caaaan't open it. What do you get when you leave a little one in the bathroom alone for too long? Your toothbrush in the toilet. And finally what do you get when you have two very interesting young men? One speechless mommy.

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