Hey Girl

Saturday, February 25, 2023

What can I tell my 6-year-old self?

Don't give up! God has a season for your dreams to become part of His plan.
Pursue all you do with a spirit of excellence. Don't let the world dictate your energy.
Take your time, don't rush it. Life is mapped out for you for a reason; enjoy the journey - even the mountains.
I thank you, Lord for equipping me to seek out not only a dream of mine but a way to glorify You in it.
I haven't told many people, but I finally signed a contract with a publisher (United House Publishing) and my bible study book should be published soon. It is so surreal!
I have 65 more studies to write and I am already almost done with my second one. I have used this time of rest to really dig deep into His word and my life looks so different than it once did.
My bible study series will be called Lost & Found - Find your story within the vast amount of books and chapters in the bible. You have a place in His story, every book, every chapter and every verse is part of His story for YOU!
The first one being released is Genesis: Your Beginning - We all have a Genesis chapter of our lives, a place where we begin, a place we learn and grow, and a place of brokenness that brings us to God’s promise.
Stay tuned for more info on the book and a podcast. Thank you all for being my support system over the years! Love You Dearly!

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