Wednesday, March 22, 2006

My boys are from another dimension. There must have been some time space continuum I missed. I don't get their humor. Maybe I'm just a stiff and dry mom, but ending every word with BUTT is not as hilarious as one may think. Hunter Bunter is so similar to his dad, in that he laughs at himself. I sit there thinking they have got to be sharing some brain wave that I'm missing due to a bad connection. Hunter Bunter and his dad got into a name calling match (which I in no way condone, but is harmless - well I hope so, okay there goes the guilt again).

Anyway it went something like this:

Husband: Monkey Boy
Hunter Bunter: Monkey Boy BUTT (laughs at self)
Husband: Silly
Hunter Bunter: Silly BUTT (laughs at self, dad as well)
(Now turning into a joke)
Husband: Scratch my back, BUTT
Hunter Bunter: Knock, Knock Who's There? BUTT (laughing hysterically)
Husband: Okay, Power Ranger
Hunter Bunter: Power Ranger BUTT BUTT (laughing with tears)

This went on quite awhile until I BUTTED in!!! Oh! God I'm doing it, too.

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