10 Things!

Thursday, February 22, 2018

10 things I learned tonight:

1. Never underestimate a small town, we show up!
2. Lady Trojans put it all out on that field.
3. I could never be a soccer player because I would be arrested for throat punching a girl.
4. Our fans are dedicated.
5. Our Lady Trojans got skillz to pay da billz.
6. I was out of breath watching them run hence the reason I don't ever sign up for a 5K.
7. When you show up to a game bring a bottle of honey for your throat.
8. The Lady Trojans are a force to be reckoned with, watching you hold your ground was possibly the most amazing thing I've experienced (well okay the birth of my children and getting married - guess I'll throw that in there).
9. When you can no longer stand kneel.
10. This town loves you, Lady Trojans! Not for a score, not for a block, not for a kick, but for your heart.
Just wait a movie will be made about this someday and people are going to say pishposh (okay maybe only me), but they will say the titans, who are they, I remember the Trojans!

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