Yes, I finally remembered ...

Thursday, November 26, 2015

On my own I have finally remembered it is our anniversary.  Yes, I know it sounds terrible that we never remember it or that we don't really celebrate it.  Heck, we haven't even had a honeymoon.

Yet, you have to know us to understand that for us it's okay.  Yeah, I would love to say we are going on a trip to Hawaii or even just somewhere in Louisiana.  Yet, my mind wanders and I try to put something together on this busy expensive holiday and then think:  all the time I am wasting.  If there is no place I'd rather be than with him then today my couch will do.
In the last 11 years, we have had some ups and downs, though honestly more downs than ups, yet the one thing that remains is him.  Despite the broken road I've traveled to get to him and the dusty path that causes us to lose focus we are still here, still holding hands and still together.  And though 11 years doesn't sound like much and our 15 years together isn't much either.
              I feel like I have been with him

(Courtesy of Sandlot)

Our marriage is probably made of more oh wells than Dryville.
We just make do with whatever is given to us, even when it is a vehicle that has more parts that don't work than do.
We know the difference between wants and needs.
We are faithful with what God provides.
I truly believe that's what makes our marriage work.
We accept what we cannot change and move on to what we can.  And most of the change has come from within.  
It seems fitting today that our anniversary falls on thanksgiving this year, because we have so much to be thankful for.
Happy Anniversary Bae!
I love you!
Even though

13 Traits of a Truly Amazing Son

Sunday, November 22, 2015

As I begin to wind down from one of the craziest days ever, I am able to think straight and can't help but be forever grateful for the understanding son that can put aside his birthday so mom can fulfill her duties and dreams.
It amazes me how my little Hunter Bunter has turned into a young man almost overnight.  I swear he grew a foot yesterday.  So his birthday was less than stellar and what makes him amazing is:
Trait #1:  he is understanding no matter the sacrifice
#2:  he is sensitive and doesn't like to see people cry
#3:  he is goofy and can make us all laugh, even when we want to knock him out to be quiet
#4:  he is full of determination, though sometimes I mistake it for stubborness
#5:  he is passionate about causes and always wants to help others
#6:  he is golden,  everything he attempts is achieved
#7:  he is so very handsome - you can't disagree with me there.
#8: he is confident, but not boastful though sometimes I think he needs to toot his horn just a little bit because I think he is totally awesome
#9: he is disorganized and random, though I can't say I love this, but sometimes it causes me to just take a deep breath and say is it really worth fussing about
#10:  he is loyal, if you are his friend he takes that job seriously -  no doubt he will forever be there for you
#11:  he cooks -  Thank god because sometimes I need a break and he knows just when I do need one
#12:  he has always been challenging, he has kept me on my toes as a parent from crawling out the crib at the age of 5 months to deciding he was done with school that he learned enough in the first grade. He has challenged me on every turn on this journey of parenthood, but I gladly accept them all because that means I get to be this amazing teen's mom.
#13:  and lastly he is loving and loves this crazy dreamer mom no matter how many bipolar, Tourette syndrome, ADD days she has, he still turns to me and says I love you!

Happy birthday Hunter!  I love you!

Simply Put

Saturday, November 14, 2015

15 years ago I met a guy.  He gave me his pager #.  Yes that existed when we met.  And it looked a little something like this:
To those of you that are looking at this and saying whaaaat?!  You are probably too young to read my blog anyway.  JK

Though he will tell you I asked for his pager #, it's all lies I tell Ya, all lies.  If you know my husband and know him well he is quite the charmer and considers himself a ladies man.  Though I can't disagree, I don't tell him often because then his head will blow up even more than he blows it up with his own compliments.
So back to the beginning, what really made him such an interesting person was his joy.  The joy in his smile, his voice, his soul.  He emitted joy throughout the room as he entered.  It was obvious how much he impacted the young and old.  They acknowledged him, smiled and reached out to him to hang out for awhile.  If you have the joy of knowing my husband, you know exactly what I'm talking about.
His joy has carried us through some rough times and made our good times even more amazing.  I am blessed to have such an amazing husband, father to our children, but most of all blessed to have even met him and to have been chosen as his wife.
He might not clean up after himself, laughs at his own jokes, is quite disorganized, and farts ALOT, but this guy:

Carries us through it

Enjoys every moment

Makes me feel beautiful

And makes us laugh ALOT!

We love you bae!
Happy Birthday!

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