Day 13

Friday, December 13, 2019

Day 13 of The 25 Gifts of Christmas

The Gift of Beauty
I know you might think that sounds so superficial and that we shouldn't be so vain. But beauty is beyond just a dress, the shoes and jewelry, beyond the hair being done with the latest pin trending on pinterest, it goes beyond the nails and makeup and lies deep in the heart. Claire and I butt heads quite often, we lock horns like Bighorn sheep on a mountain. We plant our hooves digging in to our stance and stand our ground firmly. We battle it out, but we also would take a stand for one another. Recently, my not so baby girl took a stand for me in a situation. Did I want her to cause a commotion and bring unnecessary attention to her, absolutely not, but standing up for me did just that. Instead of crumbling though she just dug those heels in and stood her ground. Sometimes what we might see on the outside doesn't match up with the insides, yet in Claire's case I believe her beauty is through and through. I see her heart and so does God and it is beautiful. Thank you Lord for blessing me with a daughter who isn't afraid, who is bold and who understands when to stand firmly. I pray she continues to use wisdom, that she sees other's beauty as well as her own and I pray that she use that boldness for you Lord!

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